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Reclaiming Electrolytes

Christopher Locke

After a long day of hard work, it's sometimes necessary to rebuild the balance of electrolytes in your body.  For some people, that means drinking something like Gatorade or Powerade.  For me, it's just an excuse to feast on my favorite flavor - Salt.

Next time you're out at a bar, or a restaurant that has a bar, try this:  Ask the bartender to salt the rim of a pint glass, then fill it with Diet Coke.  It may sound strange, but it's the right thing to do, and a really healthy way to do it.

Salt is really good for you, and it's delicious.

Once you realize how much better your Diet Coke is, you'll need to invest in a salt-rimming set for your home.  You might also like to try your Diet Coke with lemon-flavored sugar.  Go crazy and rim your glass with Fun Dip.  Surprise your friends with a Diet Coke rimmed in ranch dressing.  The sky is the limit.