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Filtering by Category: Candy

Haribo Juicy Bears

Christopher Locke

We all love gummi bears.  Of course, Haribo is (by far) the king of gummi candies.  One might think it would be impossible to make a better gummi bear than a Haribo Gold Bear.  And then it happened.

The Haribo Juicy Bear is made with real fruit juice!  The flavors are a little different, a little stronger, and a little juicier.  This is the kind of gummi bear I want to eat one at a time, so I can savor the individual tastes, instead of eating entire fistfuls.

The first time I had Juicy Bears, a coworker had brought them back from Europe.  I remember getting halfway through the bag and accidentally biting my finger, because I was so eager to eat more!  The sudden shock broke my concentration, and I decided to stop eating, and save the rest for later.  I had no idea when I might get another bag of Juicy Bears, and I didn't want to waste them.

Luckily, I can now get them here in the States.  What a relief!  I can eat them with reckless abandon, knowing Haribo will always make more.  Thanks, Haribo!