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Filtering by Tag: Beverage


Christopher Locke


With all these new brews and pods and machines and percolators and pour-overs and roasts and grinders, I'm really confused.  What's the best way to make a good cup of coffee?  Everybody seems to have their own opinion, but I want to know yours.


-Cuppa Joe



It's really simple.  First, get out whatever kind of coffee maker you have, and make sure it's clean and in good working condition.  It doesn't matter if it uses pods or grounds or a filter or not.  Whatever you have will work.  Check every component and make sure it's really clean, and looks fresh.

Second, get your camera and take a photo of it.

Third, post the picture and a short description on Craigslist.  See if you can get some poor sap to bring a case of Diet Coke to your house and trade it for the coffee maker.  You might not even need to put shoes on!

Coffee is gross.  Diet Coke is amazing.

Good luck!